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Image by Jakob Owens

Actors, Actresses, Producers

Who've had a role or a hand in a history-related movie or TV series.


Guests answer history-related and more personal, non-history-related questions.



Politics, events, and details of various historical war eras. 

Why Wars Happened Interview Podcast

Welcome to the Why Wars Happened Interview Podcast! I’m your host, Emily Ross.


Every month, we drop a few episodes featuring laid-back, informal chats with guest actors, actresses, and producers, who’ve had a role or a hand in a history-related movie or TV series. They dive into their roles, share historical insights, and even tackle some fun, personal, non-history-related questions.


And sometimes, we bring in real, live historians and authors who chat about people, politics, and events in the various historical war eras.


Whether you're a history buff or just dipping your toes into the past, this podcast is for you!


So, grab a drink, hold onto your butts, and tune in to learn more about the causes of history's wars. Season one, The American Revolution, drops in November. Catch us on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts.


See you on Why Wars Happened!


Listen to the episodes here!

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